
In this moment singer topless
In this moment singer topless

in this moment singer topless

We are resilient beings and need to realize our incredible strengths. It is about finding our power and taking a stand.

in this moment singer topless

The word Whore written down my back, and the dunce cap symbolize me placing myself on the stake for those who are suffering and I can only hope to encourage at least one person to find the self worth and love they deserve to transcend out of a painful situation into a beautiful one. Singer Maria Brink explains, “ I decided to pose nude for the visual art for ‘Whore’ to evoke a raw vulnerable emotion. The imagery the band has created around the release of 'Whore' is just as provocative as the word itself, yet all goes back to the important message the band has created. Annie (the long-suffering girlfriend of Duncan) has an unlikely transatlantic romance with once revered, now faded, singer-songwriter, Tucker Crowe. It's about self empowerment, love, and liberation.” It is about taking the power from a disgusting and degrading word and turning it back around on the accuser.

in this moment singer topless

“The message behind this song is taking back control. “ I am so proud and excited for the world to hear Whore!!!! This is an honest and raw movement that needs to be heard!!!!!!” exclaims singer Maria Brink. Singer Maria Brink created the term Women Honoring One another Rising Eternally to give new meaning away from the derogatory connotation of the word. It is important for the band to create a message that conveys the true intent behind the use of the word 'Whore'. The album was released in August of 2012 where it debuted at #15 on the Billboard Top 200 selling over 20,000 copies the first week.īlood marks the band’s highest chart debut of their career. The single is from the band’s latest Century Records release Blood. If a new comment is published from a "banned" user or contains a blacklisted word, this comment will automatically have limited visibility (the "banned" user's comments will only be visible to the user and the user's Facebook friends).Southern California’s female fronted hard rockers, IN THIS MOMENT, have just launched their latest single 'Whore' to radio. Hidden comments will still appear to the user and to the user's Facebook friends. BLABBERMOUTH.NET reserves the right to "hide" comments that may be considered offensive, illegal or inappropriate and to "ban" users that violate the site's Terms Of Service. You can also send an e-mail to with pertinent details. To do so, click the downward arrow on the top-right corner of the Facebook comment (the arrow is invisible until you roll over it) and select the appropriate action. To report spam or any abusive, obscene, defamatory, racist, homophobic or threatening comments, or anything that may violate any applicable laws, use the "Report to Facebook" and "Mark as spam" links that appear next to the comments themselves. User comments or postings do not reflect the viewpoint of BLABBERMOUTH.NET and BLABBERMOUTH.NET does not endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of, any user comment. Once you're logged in, you will be able to comment. To comment on a BLABBERMOUTH.NET story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook. The comments reside on Facebook servers and are not stored on BLABBERMOUTH.NET.

in this moment singer topless

The CD's first single, "Forever", tore up the Active Rock chart, led by heavy airplay from such tastemaker stations as WCCC (Hartford), KFNK (Seattle), KXTE (Las Vegas), WJJO (Madison) and Sirius' Octane.īLABBERMOUTH.NET uses the Facebook Comments plugin to let people comment on content on the site using their Facebook account. This run comes on the heels of the band's most successful year yet, which saw frontwoman Maria Brink landing major cover features in Inked, Revolver and Metal Edge (on stands now) as the group's latest album, "The Dream", sold more than 8,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. In June 2014 TMZ leaked a 30-second semi- NSFW video. IN THIS MOMENT's massive North American trek alongside MUDVAYNE and NONPOINT kicked off on February 3. Lady Gaga released the Artpop track Do What U Want as a single in 2013, but strangely never shared an official music video for it. It's my little secret girlie place."įor more information on the magazine, visit. I hang curtains and have candles and flowers and all my dresses. "My dudes are gentlemen," Brink - who is dating DEVILDRIVER bassist Jonathan Miller - says of her bandmates. The issue, which hit newsstands last Friday (February 13),includes an interview with the singer in which she talks about being on the road 300 days a year. Vocalist Maria Brink of the Southern California-based female-fronted band IN THIS MOMENT is featured in the March 2009 "sex and music" issue of Playboy magazine.

In this moment singer topless